Ok this is my first guide. This strategy isnt one to get you #1 but to be known.
First off find a location that suits you. I suggest near some protected nebs. Why? because you know vets take down sheilds right away

. But if your going to lead make sure theres also some unportected poeplt there too, for inviting.
After that make the resource structures to lv 3. ALso if your going to lead make the energy structure right away as well. Make the beams workshop (because lots of people rush for vehicles right away) and make a barracks. Once you need more resource sbring sheilds down.
It would be smart to build the scans to take out the newbs right away. I suggest building 8 beam infantry and 5 concussive infantry.
Next if your starting an allaince start inviting as much people as possible (ones that you want)
Once you get some peopel in your alliance make the vehicle structure and dmg structure.
Assuming you start on tick 1 and in an ideal location. On a single speed server you might have a thriving allaince by tick 20. make sure by tick 25 though oyu have atleast 30 units Becaus eif your a big allaince tkaing up all the conquers in an area you might get some competition.
i hope you liked it